
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Which Are The Healthiest Foods We Can Eat?

Get the best Healthiest Foods list and information in this article. Read the full article to know more about this and eat only healthy foods and vegetables and live a long and healthy lifestyle.

healthiest food

Why we should eat only healthiest foods?

Everybody knows that we should eat food which is healthy and we should avoid junk foods. Day by day our health is getting worse and we have to improve our health to stay in this world.

And to stay healthy and fit we have to eat healthy and should exercise regularly. There is nothing special food available which healthiest, any food except junk food is healthy.

If you observe your kitchen you will get so many healthy foods like green vegetables, fruits,e.t.c. Rather than eating those junk foods, you should eat these foods.

Your daily diet should be a healthy diet and include some green vegetables in it like spinach, cauliflower, broccoli,e.t.c.They are really good in taste and full of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, iron and many more.

Many children hate green vegetables and love junk foods, you should take care that what you should do to make them believe that green vegetables are tasty and healthy also so, they will start eating them and stop eating the junk food.

In this date many parents give money to their child especially this happens in the city and they go out outside to eat the food. They completely stop eating healthy food and getting fat day by day. 

For your child future, you should take care of their food and give them healthy food.because of the junk food you may suffer from various health problems like stomach cancer, fatigue, throat infection, even you may can't walk by your own because of health problems in future.

If you start eating healthy food today then you can build a better future. There are many peoples in this world who are eating healthy and living a healthy life like if you open youtube you will find many fitness related videos and peoples who tell about the health and healthy lifestyle.

There any many Bollywood celebrities who are very health conscious and any maintaining their life by doing regular exercise and eating healthy foods. You may know some celebrities or even you may follow them.

They have their personal doctors and nutritionist which take care of them and regularly consult them about what should eat? The time when they have to eat?. I know that we can't afford like them but you can do it by yourself at home by maintaining diet and your daily routine.

These are some reasons why we should eat only healthiest food?

now I'm going to give you the list of green vegetables and fruit vegetables which are easily available in the market and you should eat them daily.

  • Amaranth leaves   (chauli).

  • white pumpkin, white melon  (petha).

  • brinjal, eggplant (baingan).

  • beetroot.

  • bitter gourd (karela).

  • cabbage (gobhi).

  • carrot.

  • capsicum (Shimla Mirch).

  • cucumber. (kheera) .

  • curry leaves (kadi patta).

  • fenugreek leaves (methi).

  • lady finger (bhendi).

  • potato (aloo).

  • pumpkin (kaddu).

  • Radish (mooli).

  • spinach (palak)

  • Cauliflower.

  • Tomato.

  • Drumsticks.

So these are some healthiest foods I found. If you know more foods then comment me I will update this post and thank you for reading this article and share this article...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

what Is Mental Health?

In this article I'm going to discuss what is mental health and what are the factors who affect the mental health, who is responsible for the mental illness and how to prevent yourself from mental illness,e.t.c I'm going to cover all the topics related to this. Read the full article to know more about this and to be aware of what to do in such situations.

what is mental health?

what is mental health?

Actually, mental health is nothing but the mental state of our body like the physical state of our body. It is a mental illness which occurs due to some mental pressures like stress, over thinking, being less interactive and more.

like your physical health is important to you same about mental health, you need to take care of mental health also because both the health conditions can affect our health in various ways.

you do exercise to improve your physical health and you join the gym to stay physically fit just like it you need to interact with peoples to stay mentally fit. If you are not interacting with the peoples and just staying at home all day and you don't have friends to interact then you become mentally ill and because of this your behavior will change, your way of thinking will change, you will start thinking like a dumb and if you talk with peoples with such  type of behavior.

 Then they feel ashamed about staying with you and then you will get isolated from them. That's why you should interact with peoples and go outside your home and play some games with your friends or discuss something about them.

It will actually help you stay mentally fit and live a healthy life. There are many children and youngsters, especially who are suffering from mental illness and want some help from us.

 Don't take too much stress and don't think too much about something cause it leads to mental disturbance. Just enjoy your life without taking tension.

who is responsible for the mental illness?

I think that you are completely responsible for your mental health or physical health because no one is going to interact you to the world, you have to interact with people by your own.

You have to make friends by your own and you have to go outside and see the world and relate with it then you will be able to improve your mental health.

now a days , work is increased and peoples are working day and night to complete the work and they are not sleeping at night doing the work all night.

because  of this they are damaging their mental as well as physical health.I know that we have to work and we have pressure on us but if you are mentally not fit then how can you do that work properly.

parents have to keep an eye on their children's like what are they doing all time?,have they got enough friend to talk or they have no friends to play or talk.

If your ward is suffering from such type of mental illness then i think that you should consult the doctor about their health and take the proper treatment.

Every  parent should consult their children to doctor once in month and take advice from doctor and take care of your child.because the future of your child is  in your hand and you have to take care about his carrier.

prevention :-

  • Interact with the world and new peoples outside.
  • make some friends and play with them.
  • go outside your home,don't spent your all day in mobile.
  • if you have such mental illness,then consult the doctor.
  • dint over think.
  • don't take too much stress.
  • try to behave as a mature person.
  • don't talk like child.
  • stay daily updated.
  • build some confidence.
  • read news paper and watch news on t.v
  • if anyone comes at your home as a guest then go and talk with them,don't hide.
  • sleep early,wake up early.
  • change your bad habits.
  • follow peoples who have some good habits in them.
  • try to understand peoples.
  • If you are doing something, then don't think like"what will peoples say?" or "what they will think about me?".
mental health

These are some preventions you should take care about your mental health.

now i hope that you have got the answer about "what is mental health?"

What Are The Health Benefits Of Honey?

In this article, you will get to know the health benefits of honey being healthy provides you the best health-related articles. Read the full article to know the health benefits of honey?

what are the health benefits of honey?

Health Benefits Of Honey:-

Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects.

Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. The variety of honey produced by honey bees(the genus Apis) is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption.

There are some wild honey bees who produce honey. There are three types of Honey bees as follows:-

  1. a single female queen bee.
  2. a seasonally variable number of male drone bees to fertilize new queens.
  3. 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees.

Honey has some nutrition in it which is very healthy for your body. In a 100-gram serving, honey provides 304 kilocalories with no essential nutrients in significant content. Composed of 17% water and 82% carbohydrates, honey has a low content of fat, dietary fiber, and protein.

  • The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, desserts. Honey barbecue and honey mustard are other common flavors used in sauces.

  • Because of its composition and chemical properties, honey is suitable for long-term storage and is easily assimilated even after long preservation.

  • On average, a hive will produce about 65 pounds (29 kg) of honey per year.
health benefits of honey are:-
  • Honey can improve your skin and makes your skin looks good.

  • Honey helps to prevent from a chronic cough. Because of its hot property, it makes you feel hot in cold and you feel some relief when you consume it.

  • When children's get ill then doctors suggest us to give them some honey because honey helps to get relief from cough and cold.

  • Honey may be useful for controlling the side effects of radiation therapy or chemotherapy applied in cancer treatment.

  • Consumption is sometimes advocated as a treatment for seasonal allergies due to pollen.

So start consuming honey it has many health benefits but take in a limited amount.

These are some "health benefits of honey".share this information to other peoples so they can know the benefits of honey and start consuming it from today.subscribe to know more about health-related queries.

Is Green Tea Good For Health?

Find out Green Tea Is Good For Health or not. Many people used to drink green tea to lose weight know more about it by reading this article.we are going to discuss the benefits of green tea in this article "Is Green Tea Good For Health?".

Green Tea is Good For Health

Is Green Tea Good For Health?

Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis. Green tea originated in China, but its production and manufacture has spread to many other countries in Asia.

Green tea is processed using either artisanal or modern methods. Sun-drying, basket or charcoal firing, or pan-firing are common artisanal methods. Oven-drying, tumbling, or steaming are common modern methods.

Steeping, or brewing, is the process of making tea from leaves and hot water, generally using 2 grams of tea per 100 milliliters of water or about 1 teaspoon of green tea per 150 ml cup.

 Steeping temperatures range from 61 °C to 87 °C and steeping times from 30 seconds to three minutes.

lower-quality green teas are steeped hotter and longer while higher-quality teas are steeped cooler and shorter. Green tea leaves are initially processed by soaking in an alcohol solution, which may be further concentrated to various levels; byproducts of the process are also packaged and used.

Here are some benefits of green tea I'm going to tell you.

  •  An increase in one cup of green tea per day was correlated with a slightly lower risk of death from cardiovascular causes.

  • Green tea consumption lowers fasting blood sugar.

  • Drinking green tea or taking green tea supplements decreases the blood concentration of total cholesterol (about 3–7 mg/dL), LDL cholesterol (about 2 mg/dL), and does not affect the concentration of HDL cholesterol or triglycerides.

  • many peoples drink green tea for weight loss and it is really helpful to lose weight.

Moderate, regular, and habitual consumption of green tea is safe. Anything to do excess amount can harm you in many different ways.

Green tea should contain not less than 33% water-soluble extractive and the total ash should between 4% to 7%.

So here is the information about Is Green Tea Good For Health? or not

I hope you like my article and if you think it is helpful then share this to your friends and relatives it will help them. subscribe and follow me for more interesting articles.

what Are The Health Effects OF Coffee?

Here are some Health effects of coffee on our body. we all know that everybody drinks coffee for their personal problems and they think that coffee is good for our health but one thing they don't know that drinking too much coffee is not good for our health.
                                                      In this article, I'm going to tell you some health effects of coffee on our body so read this full article to know how coffee can harm our body.

  • some health effects of coffee:-

I assume that you all know that coffee contain caffeine in it that helps us to stay awake while we do some serious work at night where we have to the complete the work at any cost and that time we drink coffee to stick to that work, Some peoples even drink coffee at morning because they feel fresh after drinking coffee.  

They drink coffee at every morning because they get addict to coffee and if they don't get the coffee at morning they get angry or get irritated but if they are aware of these effects which coffee can do on our health they will stop drinking coffee or they will reduce the dose of coffee.

  • you will get surprised after knowing this that consuming coffee in excess amount result in kidney failure. Coffee increases the urination in our body that puts some pressure on our kidney to filter the urine.
         So if you are addicted to coffee, stop consuming it or reduce the dosage. If you drink 2-3 cups of coffee every day you are damaging your kidneys which is I think is not good for your health.

this is not the one health effect of coffee.next is

  • coffee increases the blood pressure which results in vasoconstriction, the condition in which our blood vessels get constrict because of damaged blood walls. It sounds very bad that the coffee which you drink can cause these health effects, you never get to remind these things while drinking coffee.

       but if you want to get curious about health then you should remember these health effects of coffee.

  • coffee can damage your liver also, the overdose of coffee can damage your liver. Drink coffee in a limited amount or stop drinking it.
  • The overdose of coffee results death and if you think that this is not true then you can ask doctors about this.
      Many peoples are dead cause of drinking coffee too much and they damaged their liver and lead to death.

  • By discontinuing drinking coffee after drinking it regularly cause some mental problems to your body i.e you will get anxiety, jitteriness, insomnia, mental disturbance, increased sleep latency, and reduced coordination.

      I know that what are you thinking that "I drink coffee every day and if I stop drinking it then I will also suffer from these mental problems" but I want to tell you that I know its difficult for some peoples who are addicted to coffee.

who need coffee every day but you can prevent yourself from getting into these problems by reducing the dose of coffee slowly and day by day and I'm sure that one day you will stop drinking coffee.

so let's do it and start doing this today.

  • coffee can damage your digestive system and cause some stomach problems. It will make you feel very energetic by drinking it and you start drinking it every day but it will also completely kill your hunger and your stomach will suffer from problems like it will get difficult to digest your food result in illness and it affects your healthy lifestyle.

don't drink coffee over 150 gram it will really help you to reduce the chances of health and mental problems.

you know and you always heard about it that "PRECAUTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE".start taking precautions and live a healthy and happy life, it's on you.

So these are some "health effects of coffee" if you find my articles helpful please follow me and get the best answers for health-related questions and many more.

Thank you for reading this article.

Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health?

We drink tea every day mostly the adults, they need tea every morning and a newspaper to read. find out Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health?.tea has some benefits on our health and some bad effects also.let's find out what are the benefits of tea? first of all. Read the full article to know...... !!!

Is Tea Good For Health?

Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health?

Tea made from the plant Camellia sinensis, including black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea. peoples who want to lose weight drink green tea. You will get the answer to the question "Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health?" after reading this article.

Here Are Some Benefits Of Drinking Tea:-  

  • Drinking caffeinated tea may improve mental alertness.

  • There is preliminary evidence that the caffeine from long-term tea (or coffee) consumption provides a small amount of protection against the progression of dementia or Alzheimer's disease during aging.

  • There was very little evidence to support the claim that green tea consumption may reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

  • There is some positive evidence for risk reduction of breast, prostate, ovarian, and endometrial cancers with green tea.

  • In preliminary long-term clinical studies, black tea consumption showed evidence for providing a small, reduced risk of stroke.

  • Use of green tea for attempted weight loss carries a small risk of adverse effects, such as nausea, constipation, and stomach discomfort.it helps to maintain a healthy body weight.

tea is good for health

people, who think that"Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health?" now know the benefits of drinking tea. They will think that tea is good for health but you should also read the following concerns of drinking tea then you will think that drinking tea is bad for health.

now I'm going to tell some concerns about tea

Here Are Some Concerns OF Tea:- 

  • Some tea contains aluminum in it. Tea drinking accounts for a high proportion of aluminum in the human diet.
The levels are safe, but there has been some concern that aluminum traces may be associated with Alzheimer's disease.

  • It is observed in studies that tea may contain some amount of lead. A 2013 study additionally indicated that some teas contained lead (mostly Chinese) and aluminum (Indian/Sri Lanka blends, China).

  •    However, drinking excessive amounts of black tea may inhibit the absorption of iron, and may harm people with anemia.

  • Concerns have been raised about the traditional method of over-boiling tea to produce a decoction, which may increase the number of environmental contaminants released and consumed.

All tea leaves contain fluoride; however, mature leaves contain as much as 10 to 20 times the fluoride levels of young leaves from the same plant.

tea leaves

Care in the choice of the location where the plant is grown may reduce the risk. It is speculated that hand-picked tea would contain less fluoride than machine-harvested tea.

  •  Tea contains oxalate, overconsumption of which can cause kidney stones, as well as binding with free calcium in the body. Massive black tea consumption has been linked to kidney failure due to its high oxalate content.

I hope that now you are sure about "Is Tea Good Or Bad For Health ?".now you will decide that you want to drink it or not.

Thank you for reading this article if you find this helpful then please share it to your friends who are tea lovers. and follow me for more articles on health any many more.

Friday, March 29, 2019

What Is The Best Way To Stay Healthy?

In this article, I am going to tell you the Best Way To Stay Healthy. follow these tips to stay healthy. At this time in 2019, you have to be health conscious because of many reasons like pollution, junk food is everywhere if observed. so let's begin our topic.

What Is The Best Way To Stay Healthy? 

  • First of all, you need to understand the importance of health, like what is health? and what I can do to improve my health ?, what should I eat to stay healthy ?.

  • To do these all things you need to wake up early in the morning like 5:00 am and start your new day with the fresh morning.
  • Because I think that it is the best time to wake up and start our day.

  • In village peoples used to wake up early in the morning every day that's why they are much more healthier than the peoples who live in the city.

  • The second thing you have to do is exercise, I know that some of you don't like to do workouts at morning but workouts are the best way to stay fit like yoga is the best way to make your body more flexible and it also prevents you from many health problems.

  • Try out some yoga exercises which are available on youtube. Even you can buy some yoga DVD from the market and start doing today.

  • Next is, you have to eat healthy to stay healthy. Food is very important in our life. we should always eat homemade food and avoid junk food like pizza, burger, cold drinks, and some other oily stuff that is available in the market
  • Eat green vegetables every day they actually give you great benefits, they contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, magnesium,e.t.c.

  • Change your habits like sleeping late at night, not doing any work and just passing time using mobiles. because if you sleep a late night you can't wake up in the morning and you can't do anything in your life.

  • Habits play a very important role in our life to stay healthy. some peoples don't care about anything like doesn't want to get into those things, they just want to live their life by the way they like.

  • You may suffer from many health problems in the future if you are not taking care of your health and not doing anything.

  • You have to do simple things as I mentioned above
  1. wake up early in the morning.
  2. do exercise regularly.
  3. eat healthy food.
  4. avoid junk food.
  5. change your habits.
Only you have to do these five things to stay fit. start doing these by today and observe the changes in your body and behavior.so, this the "best way to stay healthy".

Thank you for reading this article and if you like it or find helpful please share this to your friends so they can also implement this thing in their life. follow me for more articles likes this.

What Is Health Insurance? | Benefits Of Health insurance?

Some people don't know  What Is Health Insurance? And what are the Benefits Of Health Insurance? Read this to know more about It
            What Is Health Insurance?
  • Health Insurance is a type of coverage which pays the medical expenses incurred by the insured person.
  • It protects individuals from high surgical costs, emergency, medical expenses,e.t.c
  • The premiums of Health Insurance are deductive to the payer, but the benefits which are received is tax-free.
         Benefits Of Health Insurance?
  • Coverage Of Medical Expenses : 
              In case of high costs due to some critical illness, the insured person need not worry about the finances. Health Insurance takes care of everything according to the chosen plan.
  • Tax Benefits :
              The payments which are made towards Health Insurance are eligible by tax deductions under section 80D of the income tax act.
  • Some Additional Benefits :
              The insured person can also enjoy benefits such as ambulance coverage, health check-up coverage,e.t.c

       Health Insurance is a tool that can help in such circumstances. Health Insurance is fast emerging as an alternate source of financing health cure costs. The absence of Health Insurance can result in high medical bills in the event of hospitalization due to the illness of injury. Therefore, it has become an important financial tool.

 Need for Health Insurance??

    Medical costs are rising each year. Thus for an individual who does not save enough money, arranging for funds during an emergency be a task.
                                    One way to provide for medical emergencies is by taking Health Insurance. It offers considerable flexibility for example, certain Health Insurance plan cover as many as 30 critical illnesses & over so surgical procedures. The policy continues even after the benefit payment on selected illnesses.

     I hope that now You have an idea of what is Health Insurance is and why it's so vital for all of us these days. It helps you stay stress-free and available the best health care facilities other than just providing you with financial cover, a Health Insurance also saves you taxes!!

Is Beer Good For Health?

Many peoples think  Is Beer Good For Health?[2019] let's get into this to know more.

Beer and Health

               Beer is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea.
                         Beer is brewed from cereal-grains, most commonly from malted barley, through wheat, maize, and rice is also used.
             The strength of modern Beer is usually around 4% to 6% alcohol by volume (ABV). Dark Beer contains up to one gram of soluble fiber in every 30 ml of glass.

       Is Beer Good For Health???

                    Beer helps to reduce cholesterol levels. There are two types of cholesterol levels in our body system one is "HDL", it is also known as "Good Cholesterol" and another one is "LDL", which is "Bad Cholesterol".
                          Drinking Beer helps our body to keep the HDL level high and LDL level low. It is observed in studies that one Beer a day can increase your HDL level by 4%.

  • Act As Diuretic :
                       It removes excess toxins and waste materials from our body.

  • Reduce Risk Of Kidney Stone :
                       Each bottle of Beer you drink reduces the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%.

                          Beer actually helps to lower the blood pressure. High blood pressure can be responsible for bad health. If you observe people's who drink Beer at a moderate level are less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who sip wine or cocktails.

                     Those individuals who drank half a quart of Beer day by day had a 31% lessened possibility of coronary illness. It also prevents us from a heart attack.
                                  Beer drinker has 40% to 60% fewer chances of heart attack compared to non-Beer drinkers.

  • Increases The Bone Density : 
                        Beer contains silicon which helps us to get the stronger bones. Beer drinker has stronger bones as compared to the non-Beer drinker.

  • Makes Skin More Beautiful :
                    Beer contains some vitamins in it especially it contains the high level of vitamin B which makes the skin looks good.

  • Prolong Life :
                   Beer consists of more than 1,500 components in it that make it had antioxidants properties. Drinking Beer in moderation level helps to protect the body against oxidation and cell aging.
                                 As Thomas Jefferson said, "Beer, if drank with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health".

                        The most amazing Beer and Health connection are it contains xanthohumol, a flavonoid found only in hops.xanthohumol is a potent antioxidant that inhibits cancer-causing enzymes.

"These benefits only worth if you drink beer in the moderate level"

Which Are The Healthiest Foods We Can Eat?

Get the best Healthiest Foods list and information in this article. Read the full article to know more about this and eat only healthy food...