
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Which Are The Healthiest Foods We Can Eat?

Get the best Healthiest Foods list and information in this article. Read the full article to know more about this and eat only healthy foods and vegetables and live a long and healthy lifestyle.

healthiest food

Why we should eat only healthiest foods?

Everybody knows that we should eat food which is healthy and we should avoid junk foods. Day by day our health is getting worse and we have to improve our health to stay in this world.

And to stay healthy and fit we have to eat healthy and should exercise regularly. There is nothing special food available which healthiest, any food except junk food is healthy.

If you observe your kitchen you will get so many healthy foods like green vegetables, fruits,e.t.c. Rather than eating those junk foods, you should eat these foods.

Your daily diet should be a healthy diet and include some green vegetables in it like spinach, cauliflower, broccoli,e.t.c.They are really good in taste and full of vitamins, minerals, magnesium, iron and many more.

Many children hate green vegetables and love junk foods, you should take care that what you should do to make them believe that green vegetables are tasty and healthy also so, they will start eating them and stop eating the junk food.

In this date many parents give money to their child especially this happens in the city and they go out outside to eat the food. They completely stop eating healthy food and getting fat day by day. 

For your child future, you should take care of their food and give them healthy food.because of the junk food you may suffer from various health problems like stomach cancer, fatigue, throat infection, even you may can't walk by your own because of health problems in future.

If you start eating healthy food today then you can build a better future. There are many peoples in this world who are eating healthy and living a healthy life like if you open youtube you will find many fitness related videos and peoples who tell about the health and healthy lifestyle.

There any many Bollywood celebrities who are very health conscious and any maintaining their life by doing regular exercise and eating healthy foods. You may know some celebrities or even you may follow them.

They have their personal doctors and nutritionist which take care of them and regularly consult them about what should eat? The time when they have to eat?. I know that we can't afford like them but you can do it by yourself at home by maintaining diet and your daily routine.

These are some reasons why we should eat only healthiest food?

now I'm going to give you the list of green vegetables and fruit vegetables which are easily available in the market and you should eat them daily.

  • Amaranth leaves   (chauli).

  • white pumpkin, white melon  (petha).

  • brinjal, eggplant (baingan).

  • beetroot.

  • bitter gourd (karela).

  • cabbage (gobhi).

  • carrot.

  • capsicum (Shimla Mirch).

  • cucumber. (kheera) .

  • curry leaves (kadi patta).

  • fenugreek leaves (methi).

  • lady finger (bhendi).

  • potato (aloo).

  • pumpkin (kaddu).

  • Radish (mooli).

  • spinach (palak)

  • Cauliflower.

  • Tomato.

  • Drumsticks.

So these are some healthiest foods I found. If you know more foods then comment me I will update this post and thank you for reading this article and share this article...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

what Is Mental Health?

In this article I'm going to discuss what is mental health and what are the factors who affect the mental health, who is responsible for the mental illness and how to prevent yourself from mental illness,e.t.c I'm going to cover all the topics related to this. Read the full article to know more about this and to be aware of what to do in such situations.

what is mental health?

what is mental health?

Actually, mental health is nothing but the mental state of our body like the physical state of our body. It is a mental illness which occurs due to some mental pressures like stress, over thinking, being less interactive and more.

like your physical health is important to you same about mental health, you need to take care of mental health also because both the health conditions can affect our health in various ways.

you do exercise to improve your physical health and you join the gym to stay physically fit just like it you need to interact with peoples to stay mentally fit. If you are not interacting with the peoples and just staying at home all day and you don't have friends to interact then you become mentally ill and because of this your behavior will change, your way of thinking will change, you will start thinking like a dumb and if you talk with peoples with such  type of behavior.

 Then they feel ashamed about staying with you and then you will get isolated from them. That's why you should interact with peoples and go outside your home and play some games with your friends or discuss something about them.

It will actually help you stay mentally fit and live a healthy life. There are many children and youngsters, especially who are suffering from mental illness and want some help from us.

 Don't take too much stress and don't think too much about something cause it leads to mental disturbance. Just enjoy your life without taking tension.

who is responsible for the mental illness?

I think that you are completely responsible for your mental health or physical health because no one is going to interact you to the world, you have to interact with people by your own.

You have to make friends by your own and you have to go outside and see the world and relate with it then you will be able to improve your mental health.

now a days , work is increased and peoples are working day and night to complete the work and they are not sleeping at night doing the work all night.

because  of this they are damaging their mental as well as physical health.I know that we have to work and we have pressure on us but if you are mentally not fit then how can you do that work properly.

parents have to keep an eye on their children's like what are they doing all time?,have they got enough friend to talk or they have no friends to play or talk.

If your ward is suffering from such type of mental illness then i think that you should consult the doctor about their health and take the proper treatment.

Every  parent should consult their children to doctor once in month and take advice from doctor and take care of your child.because the future of your child is  in your hand and you have to take care about his carrier.

prevention :-

  • Interact with the world and new peoples outside.
  • make some friends and play with them.
  • go outside your home,don't spent your all day in mobile.
  • if you have such mental illness,then consult the doctor.
  • dint over think.
  • don't take too much stress.
  • try to behave as a mature person.
  • don't talk like child.
  • stay daily updated.
  • build some confidence.
  • read news paper and watch news on t.v
  • if anyone comes at your home as a guest then go and talk with them,don't hide.
  • sleep early,wake up early.
  • change your bad habits.
  • follow peoples who have some good habits in them.
  • try to understand peoples.
  • If you are doing something, then don't think like"what will peoples say?" or "what they will think about me?".
mental health

These are some preventions you should take care about your mental health.

now i hope that you have got the answer about "what is mental health?"

What Are The Health Benefits Of Honey?

In this article, you will get to know the health benefits of honey being healthy provides you the best health-related articles. Read the full article to know the health benefits of honey?

what are the health benefits of honey?

Health Benefits Of Honey:-

Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects.

Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. The variety of honey produced by honey bees(the genus Apis) is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption.

There are some wild honey bees who produce honey. There are three types of Honey bees as follows:-

  1. a single female queen bee.
  2. a seasonally variable number of male drone bees to fertilize new queens.
  3. 20,000 to 40,000 female worker bees.

Honey has some nutrition in it which is very healthy for your body. In a 100-gram serving, honey provides 304 kilocalories with no essential nutrients in significant content. Composed of 17% water and 82% carbohydrates, honey has a low content of fat, dietary fiber, and protein.

  • The main uses of honey are in cooking, baking, desserts. Honey barbecue and honey mustard are other common flavors used in sauces.

  • Because of its composition and chemical properties, honey is suitable for long-term storage and is easily assimilated even after long preservation.

  • On average, a hive will produce about 65 pounds (29 kg) of honey per year.
health benefits of honey are:-
  • Honey can improve your skin and makes your skin looks good.

  • Honey helps to prevent from a chronic cough. Because of its hot property, it makes you feel hot in cold and you feel some relief when you consume it.

  • When children's get ill then doctors suggest us to give them some honey because honey helps to get relief from cough and cold.

  • Honey may be useful for controlling the side effects of radiation therapy or chemotherapy applied in cancer treatment.

  • Consumption is sometimes advocated as a treatment for seasonal allergies due to pollen.

So start consuming honey it has many health benefits but take in a limited amount.

These are some "health benefits of honey".share this information to other peoples so they can know the benefits of honey and start consuming it from today.subscribe to know more about health-related queries.

Which Are The Healthiest Foods We Can Eat?

Get the best Healthiest Foods list and information in this article. Read the full article to know more about this and eat only healthy food...